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This section, by Andy Fyon, contains a collection of examples that examine the relationship between geology and plants.
As a geologist, I am fascinated by geological influences on plant diversity and boundaries between species.
Climate strongly influences distribution patterns of most, if not all, plants and other biota. Within a climatic region, plant distributions often reflect differences in the local geological history, topography, and substrate, which together create different habitats. That said, trying to identify specific substrate-plant relationships is challenging because geology is only one determinant.
Geology can influence the types and locations of plants. Geology contributes to plant endemism. Geology does this by creating harsh soil conditions that discourage general plant growth. But, there are some specialized plants that are adapted to those harsh conditions.
In these notes, I discuss examples where the relationship between geology and plants can be seen clearly.
I am a retired geologist. I am not a botanist and I have no formal botanical training. The relationships I share, as a non-expert, are seen through the eyes of a geologist, augmented by the knowledge shared with me by many generous field botanists. For their sharing, I am eternally thankful.
Andy Fyon
Rev: Jan 9/22